Wednesday, December 14, 2022

November Terrain

Here I present November's terrain piece: an industrial tank addon from Archon Studio's latest Rampart Modular Terrain kickstarter.  A little late, but mostly done before the holiday's and a visit from family put a hold on any painting. Just worked on the details in the first week of December...

Everyone needs a good tank for Scifi scenery!

And only posted it today... 

I was originally drawn to the Rampart terrain as someone showed it off as an alternative to another modular wall system. A very cool way to make up the internals of a spacestation, starship, or even a sprawling city landscape. When I ordered this tank was available as an addon which I happily grabbed. 

I built the kit in the layout I liked best, then decided to add it to a base. It becomes a little more stable this way, and allowed me to add my grating/gravel base I've been doing lately. Have to keep it's options for use open! For a little more flavor I added a pile of straws to the base as a pile of pipes. 

Pipes just added a little pop to the otherwise boring base.

The piece was primed black and hit with a grey zenithal. Unfortunately it was a bit cold and the primer ended up cracking a bit. I'll however take the happy accident as it's certainly given this big industrial unit some additional flavor!

Done for weeks. Honest!

Painting wise it got some transparent coloring, followed by dry brushing. I went back in with more transparents to weather it. I was having fun with this, so spent the time to paint all the wiring, and did some visual appeal with a white line, and a section of missing paint with rust. Most of that was just practice on different techniques I had seen online. 

Too much time on details like wires and glass read-outs... but fun!

I'm really happy with how it came out, and I'm so glad I didn't rush it. Just shows, if you are having fun just keep going. If not, paint something else. It's a big hobby!


  1. That's really nice. I like how it's not covered in skulls! It looks very used and functional. The little green details are cool. If I was to suggest anything, perhaps you could put a thin dark-brown wash between the plates on the upper dome, to suggest accumulated dirt. But it looks very cool and with those balconies ought to be practical in games!

    1. Thanks Toby! I'm adverse to skulls on anything at this point. Good point on the dome. I was thinking it was a little plain when I looked at the photos. It's been to cold to seal it yet, I may go back and add that in.

  2. What an outstanding work! I usually see this kind of industrial buildings directly in rust brown or whatever, your daring palette looks fantastic! The attention to detail is what really makes it stand out the tiny colours here and there. I love what you did here!

    1. Thanks Suber! I figure there's enough grimdark terrain in this world; I want some color for my table! I also want it to look like its being used instead of ancient. I've spent decades around functioning industrial equipment, so I'm using that for guidance.
