Monday, November 21, 2022

Expanding the Corps - Another Alai Space Elf

Disclosure: This model was sent to me as a preview of Old School Miniatures new Kickstarter with the only stipulation that I paint it before the end of November. 

More pointy heads!

Another quick post to show off a new Alai Mercenary for the team! 

This wonderful sculpt by Tim Prow was sent to me by Old School Miniatures. They were asking for some people to try out their new models ahead of their Starship Skirmishers line open right now on Kickstarter. I jumped at the chance as it looked like the perfect addition to my Alai Mercenaries. 

Not sure the gun was supposed to have a blade, but it works. 

Lucky for me I was selected! I hit it with the same colors as the original crew. The only difference was swapping out the base armor color for a contrast. This ended up with a slightly darker tone than the other crewmates... but close enough for me. 

Here's the back.

I really like the model. It's very reminiscent of the old Space Elf range, yet has a style of it's own. I really like the panel lines in the model, something to break them up without a bunch of extra detail. In fact, I liked it so much I already backed the Kickstarter. Looking forward to adding some more crew to the team!

May be slightly bigger than the older models... but close enough for me!

These guys deserve a team post like the orks... 


  1. Nice work there! I'm just looking at the kickstarter now. It's quite tempting...

    1. Thanks! There is a lot of great stuff there. I'm sticking with the main crew. Others like the orks are temping... but I just don't need them for my collection. I'm trying not to buy everything these days. haha

  2. Oh, wow, the guy certainly has a Space Elf of old vibe. I'm in love with your colour scheme, it suit them perfectly! Excellent work!

    1. Thanks Suber! They'll make good backup for my Space Elf Adventurer. One of these days I should probably give them a leader as well... I have a plan...
