Thursday, July 14, 2022

Rainy day painting - Various miniatures

The two mercenaries were hot on the trail of the Marquis de Maw. They didn't see themselves as bounty hunters, but a job is a job. Finally, they had him cornered. "It's all over Maw!". However in response they heard a laugh, as Marquis de Maw faded away. "Dammit! Just a damn hologram! I told you we weren't no hunters." The other grumbled as he put away his pistols and walked away. 

While I was painting the Eldar HQ units and the servo skull a few weeks back, I found myself waiting for paint to dry. Usually I have something to do around the house. However it was a wet, rainy weekend so I had extra time at the desk. So I grabbed a miniature off the primed shelf and got to work... then I added another and another... until I had finished 5 additional models! 

The first model is Star Wars model from Wizards of the Coast. Made for the table top roleplaying game before they started producing the pre-painted ones. I think I picked them up at a con ages ago. He's been floating around unpainted for a while as I used him back when I played the RPG. I figured it was finally time to throw some paint on him.

Binary Transports, employee 

I knew one of the colors I wanted was blue. The company we ran in the game was Binary Transports, and their corporate color was blue. You can see some of the other models I painted for the game in my very first blog post. As I started, I realized he could also be part of the mercenary crew I've been slowly working on. Probably just as a new recruit or something. So I kept to the base colors of that crew. 

Since I was painting one mercenary, I figured they'd likely come in pairs. This alien from Northstar Figures fit the part. I have to say, I REALLY enjoyed painting this guy. The Northstar Figures may not have all the details of a modern day GW model, but what they do have is sharp. I gave him the same blues and tans of the other mercenaries, and of course the white equipment. I went with red for the skin which of course has Red Skull vibes, but it looks fantastic as a finished piece. 

Photo contrast was still off when I took these pics...

... And then I said, why paint one really enjoyable model when you can paint two? So I grabbed this; alien? Psychic? Villain? Anyway it's a really cool model and also fun to paint. I decided to paint him in red armor so he can work with the pirates. Perhaps also the genestealer cult. I figure he's a soldier for hire as well... though more on the villainous end of things. To finish up the details he got a grey overcoat to blend in, and a silver mask. Because I'm a big G.I. Joe fan so yes it's a mask. What's behind it? No one knows for sure.

Marquis de Maw, mysterious space villain.

But it kept raining... so I kept working, and decided I could knock out some terrain/objective pieces as well. First is a simple 3D printed box I received with an Etsy order. A quick blue drybrush over a black base. Followed up with a wash of nuln oil and another drybrush of a lighter blue to pick out details. I also brushed the imperial logo in white. While doing that I accidently overbrushed onto the blue... but I thought it looked like someone over-sprayed it with spray-paint. So I just left it. 

You know, for shipping stuff?

Last, but not least, I have a bunch of 28mm 3D printed arcade machines. There was only one direction you can go when you are playing space games and have an arcade machine... 

"Greetings Starfighter!"

This is a simple painted black, drybrushed grey cabinet. Then finished with a ton of hand work. I probably could have used tape or something to get the lines straight... but I really just had fun working out the details. I think it looks good for the tabletop, but definitely not perfect. Super happy with it and already looking at doing another cabinet.

No time for games!


  1. Lovely additions to your collection!

    The Northstar figures are especially nice and I agree that while they're not covered in fine detail like the new GW stuff, less is sometimes more as they really respond well to a good coat of paint and you don't have to spend ages working on fiddly bits!

    I do like the Star Wars guy too!

    1. Thanks SCS! My eyes aren't what they used to be; so all that detail on a 28mm figure isn't really needed IMHO. So I'm drawn to these types. I'm going to a con this weekend, so I may need to snag a few more!

  2. I agree with Spacecow [words I never thought I would write]: the Northstar figures are particularly eye-catching. I love the way you painted the Marquis de Maw. And his pose is so great. He looks like he's either going to choke you with the dark side of the Force, or change a lightbulb in a very intimidating manner.

    1. Thanks so much! I'm thrilled at how he came out in particular. I had a vision and I think I nailed it. The figures do help though. I plan to spend any remaining budget on them this weekend at Historicon!
