Sunday, July 24, 2022

Convention Haul - Historicon 2022

I made it to a Convention today for the first time in a long time... and I did pretty well with the deals! Check it out:
The Haul from Historicon 2022. 

This is just a quick post to say hello and show off some cool stuff. Unfortunately I have one of those getting older injuries keeping me from the Summer of Eldar... you know the ones. You hurt yourself and don't know how or why it happened? Just seemingly woke up with it? That's a muscle in my painting arm right now. I guess I pulled it while I slept...

So anyway, continue reading to check out my new stuff.
The convention we got to was Historicon 2022. It's based on historical wargaming, but there's always vendors carrying all types of war-games and their supplies. I've been going to the conventions by this organization (they run three a year) since the 90's. Since things are unstable again in the world my buddy and I chose to only go for a few hours of shopping, and of course wore masks the whole time. 

Our first stop is always Wally's Bargan Basement. It's the name for the event's flea market, and you never know what you may find there. Last convention I don't think we came away with much. This year was very different. I picked up some painted terrain, and a bunch of miniatures I was actually considering at a nice discount. 

Had a boarded market, bought a boarded market.

More Pirates!
The terrain was a boarded up Supermarket, and a couple of sheds. The guy said he used them in Zombie games. I just saw a lot of potential with a little extra paint to fit my style. Then I found someone with a bunch of odd models, including the VOR models I wanted! A few elite solders to expand my pirate forces,  a couple of heavy weapons pirates, and a captain! What luck! There was also this weird alien beast, and a couple of modern solders. They looked perfect to join my Stargate miniatures... whenever I get around to painting them. 

On the way out I saw a guy with some Tau. I wasn't interested in much more but a Kroot shaper and a really cheap bag of parts. More parts are always welcome!

A beast and some Stargate troopers.

Kroot and Tau parts!

Above you can see I picked up boxes of Stargrave crew II, Frostgrave Barbarians, and some Gunfighters. These are all to mix up and create more crews for games of Stargrave. I have some friends that are willing to try the game, but they'll need to be supplied crews. I'm happy to help out! There's some other ideas too... but more on that later. The last box is a Silver Beyonet unit. It's a beautiful book I'm happy to own, and some day even play!

Packs of cool looking miniatures. 

The last few packs are just some fun stuff I picked up. No specific plans for any of them, but sometimes you just need to pick up a few things that look cool. Among them are some Stargrave models mainly because they've been so fun to paint. Also a weird Frostgrave head to act as an objective marker. I got some street folk from Crooked Dice Game Studio because I've also enjoyed them, and this was on clearance. There was a dinosaur... enough said. Then a few reaper models I had to have. A dinosaur crewman, and a walking brain in a jar. 

See fun! Hope you enjoyed checking out my haul as much as I enjoyed picking it out!


  1. Nice selection! The buildings might be plasticville ones? They seem to be popular for the post apoc crowd...

    1. Just did a search and supermarket does look to be Plasticville. Seems the name was scraped off the upright.. It's a nice kit, already modified to board up the windows. I look forward to enhancing it a bit for my table. The sheds/garages are resin, so no clue where they are from.

  2. Brilliant haul!

    I always love perusing the bring and buy at wargame shows as you can pick up some absolute bargains!

    1. They are the best. It's where my genestealer cult came from some 30 years ago. Now most of the models go on ebay for what I payed for the lot. Always looking for a deal to spread the budget out a bit more.

  3. Hmm, I spot some tasty stuff in there. Nice hoard! Looking forward to seeing everything painted :)

    1. Ha! I'm sure it'll end up painted... someday...

  4. Hobbs, I can't wait to see what you do with the Stargrave crew. I've become a big fan of their plastic box sets. By the way, do you have any idea who did the sculpting? I tried to figure it out, but I couldn't find any attribution.

    1. From Northstar I have two stargrave kits, the barbarian kit, and a sprue each of cultists, gnolls, and dwarves. Add in the cowboys plus the bits box and I'm sure I'll come up with a lot of fun models! I've got a month left to finish up some Summer of Eldar projects, then I'm on to the Fall of the Planet of the Apes (I have a whole crew of apes I've collected I want to paint). I think there will be some time for a crew in between that and my winter project.

      I haven't looked at who did the sculpting; figured it was something digital. However now I'm curious too!
