Sunday, June 19, 2022

Upper Management - Biel-Tan Eldar HQ

I had originally intended to finish up another squad of Eldar for my next Summer of Eldar project. However we went away to visit family for a week and a half, so instead of delaying posts I figured I'd do something a little faster. 

This Farseer defeated a lot of enemies with his 2nd ed. powers. I miss 2nd...

Here you have the Farseer who had lead my army since the 90's, his finished warlock guard with sword (who may have been one of the last models I had completed for this army...), and a base coated warlock with a spear. 
First up is the Farseer. He's the classic Rogue Trader first version of the character by Jes Goodwin, and still my absolute favorite Farseer ever released. I had converted him to hold a staff, the top of which had the shape of the Biel-Tan craftworld symbol carved from various bits as I recall. Unfortunately over time the plastic lower half went missing. 

Who needs a banner when I have this staff!

I was still really happy with this model, one of my best pieces from decades ago! Somewhere along the way he lost the lower portion of his staff. My buddy gives me all his 3D print miss-casts (more on why down the road), so I happen to have a resin piece of a staff I could steal. I added that, painted it up, fixed a few chips in the paint, and cleaned up the flocking. He's all set for display once again! 

Next up is this second edition warlock with witch blade. I recall trying out some new blending techniques with this model, hence why it was likely one of the last Eldar I had painted in the 90's. It was very striking, and I was very happy with how it came out. These days we have shortcuts, and my eyes aren't as good as they were then, so I'll be using some different techniques to finish his companion. He only needed a few chipped paint touchups and some new flocking. 


Finally, the only one to be fully completed, this warlock with singing spear. Now, I have no idea what happened to his spear. Maybe I didn't like it? Maybe I picked it up this way? All I know is it had this broken Naginata looking piece next to it in the case. So I put it back together (resisting the urge to convert him further) and got around to painting him. 

The weapon makes him a bit more unique.

While I didn't go quite as heavy on the highlights as his companion, I really like how the robes turned out. I think I've worked out how to do proper cloth over the years. Proper depth, but not too high. He blends in really well with his companions too. I was worried, but I guess I was a decent painter back in the day. 

Ah, much better boys. 

So what's next for the #SummerofEldar? I think the mercenaries need some reinforcements... 


  1. Hobbs, I really love this neon take on the Eldar - so vivid and so original.

    1. Thanks! I'm not sure about original, I just like bright colors over grim-dark. The Farseer is one of the only times I ever tried giving a model a little grime. Turned out it wasn't my thing.

  2. Hmm, tasty! I think that the second one, the guy with the sword, was among my favourite Eldar sculpts back in the day. Nice work on all of them!!

    1. Thanks Suber! I'm not sure if I like this warlock with sword, or the one leaning on his sword better. One day I'll paint that one too. (Do I have one? I think I have one...)

      Told you there's more pictures of my army coming. In fact I have another squad on deck. It's a lot of fun cleaning up these models and finishing stuff that's been waiting a long long time.
