Sunday, February 28, 2021

Painting Mishap!

 So, here's the problem with not paining for years... some of my paint is decades old causing some mishaps like this: 

Dropper bottle exploded -.-

When I first got back into painting, I threw out a bunch of dried up stuff. With some help from my buddy and his laboratory grade shaker, was able to save some of it. The above picture was from a dropper bottle I thought was ok. It didn't want to drop correctly, and so I tried to clean the end three times. When I went to squirt a drop the last time, the top busted off. 

Last week it wasn't a problem because I was finishing some bases in black anyway. It was also contained to about a quarter of the wet pallet. This week, I sat down to paint and found the black had saturated across the whole absorbent towel. Suffice to say I had to clean out the pallet and throw it in the dishwasher for some deep cleaning. 

Good new is the marine scouts only need some highlights to finish them. So hopefully by my next painting session I can knock them out. Until then... I might need to replace a few more paints... 


  1. My paints are getting on a bit now and I'm finding that the lighter colours are going chalky which is a pain so I'll need to source some replacements soon! Its always a pain when you have a paint selection you like!

    1. I really liked the old citadel colors from the 90's with the white rubber caps. They've been work-horses for me. The screw top citadel from the 2000's were almost all dried up and had to be tossed. I started replacing them with the current Citadel line. So far so good, but it's what the local shops carry so I'm stuck if I want to shop local.
