Thursday, May 18, 2023

Dusting off the Cobwebs

Hello fellow hobbyists! It's been a little bit since I posted. I ended up with a herniated disc that prevented me from... well life in general. Never fear, a wonderful medical team helped me get back to semi normal. Still working on the rest. 

So finally after weeks of collecting dust, I resumed some hobby projects! I picked a few easier ones off my desk, figures I had started while waiting for a larger group to dry. Thought it was better to ease into things after a hiatus. So lets get to it:

Industrial robot TR-7L is ambushed by wild beasts while attempting to recover some scrap.

First up is this wonderful robot from Alternative Armies called Rufus. I made a slight change to a little laser hand from some Death Ray Designs parts I have. I wanted him to be more of an industrial bot over a war bot, and so the original gatling gun was left in the bits box. Painting wise I wanted to have fun so I painted him in a bright green with a yellow accent. In the end I started calling him a turtle bot. He's supposed to be more of a utility robot, and I think he turned out just the way I envisioned it. 

Next up was this swamp monster I picked up at a con last year. That was the way I envisioned him anyway, and after painting him I found out he's a miniature from the now defunct company Hobby Products Spacelords line known as a "swamp strangler". Looks like I guessed it correctly. Painting was quick, I just hit him with random greens and browns. Was a fun little project for sure!

Finally, I painted up these alien dogs. My buddy gifted them to me for my birthday. I think the are alternative models for some more popular game. He printed them in half size and they are perfect for my collection. I gave them some pink and blue coloring to make them stand out. Then some strategic red stippling and washes to give them a bit more organic look. They ended up with a sort of Genestealer color pallet. Not a bad thing for my collection! 

That's it for this post! Been busty with a few things as I can now sit at the desk, but still have limits while I heal. So look for some increased posting over the next few weeks. It's good to be back!


  1. I have one of those demon dogs! I like your colour selection. I think it's from a patreon... IOL or knucklebones.

    1. Thank you Daveb! It's likely from a patreon, I'm just not sure which. I'll have to ask my friend if he recalls.

  2. Lovely work on the eclectic selection of figures! The robots green is particularly nice.

    Its good to see you're back to the hobby shenanigans and hope you're feeling better too!

    1. Thanks SCS! It's good to be back to hobby shenanigans for sure. One of the things I missed most. It's very relaxing to go down and paint a bit.

  3. Oh, sorry to hear! I hope you are feeling better and get fully recovered soon!
    About the minis, the post is a crescendo. I love the Ninja Turtle Bot (Might even copy the pattern!), but then the Swamp Thing was like "oh, wow", and then I get to the dogs and I simply fell in love with them. Gorgeous work!

    1. Thanks Suber. Getting better day by day, but it's rough getting older. I'm finding I like these side projects more than some of the main squads. It gives the freedom to just have fun with the miniatures.

      And feel free to steal away! I'm sure I've done the same of your work. I also have a "brother" turle bot in mind.

  4. Sorry to hear you've been unwell. Get well soon!

    I like the colours on the robot a lot. The shading is very nice. The dogs are great as well: the genestealerish colour scheme works very well.

    1. Thanks Toby, better day by day. I'm really happy with these guys as well. For some models I grabbed to splash paint on while the main project dried, they certainly turned out great.
