Sunday, January 8, 2023

Two Years and Running!

So year two of my return to the hobby/blogging adventure has come to a close. Let's take a look at how we made out this year:

A wise man once said "Never tell me the odds!". I feel that way about statistics.

I have to say I'm thrilled with this amount of progress! Not only did I knock out a ton of new miniatures, I was also able to get some terrain completed, and even finished some old stuff in the display cabinet! So let's take a quick look back:

Summer of Eldar:

The Eldar were well represented in 2022!

I decided to dedicate the summer months of 2023 to completing some Eldar projects. The old space elves are not only some of my favorite citadel models, but also my first ever army in the hobby. I wanted to give them a little love this year by finishing some of the models I only base coated 20+ years ago, and also get some new skirmish crews pulled together. It ended up being wildly successful! I painted up 4 full squads, and several characters. I've got some more plans for Eldar in 2023; and perhaps even a second Summer of Eldar will emerge.

Extra Figures Painted: 

Spacers, Pirates, Aliens, Beasts, heck even a bar tender!

Some of the figures I painted this year were just because I felt like painting them. I generally will build more models than I need for any given project. Usually it's to give some options when playing a skirmish game; but sometimes it's simply because they were laying around. This year I painted a bunch of models to test some colors, or just because I really wanted to paint them. This is definitely something I'd like to continue doing. Maybe they'll just be some NPC's in a game; perhaps it will lead to a new team; or maybe it will simply be some cool new figures in the case. Regardless of the way, I'm happy having more of my collection ready for future games!

Enough Terrain for a Table:

Literally a whole table's worth!

I made a conscious effort to paint a decent amount of terrain this year. While it's not critical to be painted for game playing, it's always more fun to play on a beautiful looking table filled with terrain. It will also make it easier to convert some friends into the hobby. It also makes a great cleansing project from some miniatures. Having something large that doesn't need to be perfect is a good distraction. 

Orktober Year Two:

Black Krak'in and the boys!

I had not planned to double the number of Orks and goblins in the cabinet, but I'm really happy with what turned out! Some great models, and also great options to allow for this crew to be very versatile among various skirmish games. Captain Mogran and crew certainly has some adventures in his future!

Fall of the Apes:

Last but not least.

The last project I started was a crew of apes. I only completed the first half of the project before the end of the year... but I'm glad to have it in the works. Afterall, what scifi fan doesn't want a bunch of apes in their collection? Plenty of ways to use these minis!

For the Future:

I'm not one for resolutions, nor do I want to make a list of plans. I find I'm much more effective in the hobby sticking to whatever interests me the most when I sit down. That said here's a couple of things I'm already working on that I'm happy to share. First I plan to start a co-op campaign of some sort with my brother very soon. Likely Five Parsecs as I'm already playing Space Station Zero with my buddy... but we'll see. Second I've got some apes on deck to finish that crew. From there... we'll see! I primed a few dozen minis before the weather turned, so I have plenty to paint. I also know I'll be doing a crew of squats at some point; but they still need to be built and primed. 

That's a lot, but all that can go to the wayside quickly depending on what peeks my interest! I've already picked up a few second hand lots I'm pretty excited about, and Drew Day Williams is sculpting up some really exciting new models over at Satyr Studio! So I'll end it by saying, I'm really excited to see what 2023 brings! 


  1. Looking good! I'm envious of your terrain to be honest. It makes your pictures much more pretty/interesting.

    1. Thanks! It's been a slow build-up, but there's so many good options out there from purchasing to scratch built. Hopefully I can double the amount I have painted in '23!

  2. Congrats on the anniversary! And of course on the good job you've been doing! Here's to a lot of good posts to keep on coming! :)

    1. Thanks Suber! I'm trying to keep up with your output :D
