Sunday, August 8, 2021

Recon Team Delta - Reinforcements

Games Workshop has revealed that a new version of Killteam is on it's way. I was apprehensive at first, as I don't feel I played nearly enough games of the current edition. Then the rules started trickling out, and I was surprised how much they changed. At this point I'm cautiously optimistic that this will be a very nice update and a fun new ruleset. So why not celebrate by finishing up my current Killteam's before I have to re-build and expand for the new rules!

Recon Team Delta reinforcements travel through the rubble

The first two scouts are simply metal scouts with bolters. I only ever had two five man teams to pull from: 5 with pistols and knives; 4 sniper rifles, and one toting an auto cannon (because back when I made him it was allowed and more fun than a heavy bolter). They got the same paintjob as my old marines, and I free-hand painted the unit markings. It wasn’t as tough as I thought it might be, and I found my skills are still there!

Next was a scout with a rocket launcher. I started with the metal heavy bolter carrying scout, filed off his right arm, and used a plastic marine rocket launcher. Then just blended it all together with some plastic pieces and green stuff. In the end it looks like he's about to load the launcher, which I'm pretty happy with. Now some people would say "but Hobbs, they make a plastic scout with rocket launcher now". The oldhammer crew understands the love of metal. Also, I started this conversion nearly two decades ago; so when I found him in the project box I didn't see any reason not to finish!

The final marine is the new Killteam leader: Sargent Kelly of the 4th company 2nd squad. Originally I was just using the scout sergeant, but then I came up with the idea of a marine with an auspix pointing out targets at long range. I had a few ideas for how to blend him in: a cloak, kneeling, partially armored, etc. I ended up going classic, and chose the executioners camo from the Warhammer 40K Compendium. I really liked how it was just painted over the dark blue base, and figured it would look good with the Guardian Angel purple base. I'm very happy how he turned out!

So this Killteam is finally done. That is until the new edition of the book arrives... 


  1. Haha, I can totally relate to the love for metal. That conversion *had* to be done. Nicely done!
