Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Stargrave - Pirate Trooper Part I

A quick detour from Orktober was needed after the primer used on Runt the Goblin didn't work well with contrast paints. This pirate was sitting on the painting table, so I decided to prime him up and see if a different can worked better. Happily it worked perfectly and the entire base of the model is contrast paints!

A pirate heads through the streets to investigate some strange noises

I was introduced to the models of Vor the Maelstrom by SpacecowSmith of the Tales from Farpoint blog a few months ago. I was really impressed by the look of the soldier model he posted. A little research later and found it part of the range was sculpted by none other than old hammer sculptor Kev Adams! Seems I missed these cool models while I was out of the hobby. So I spent some time on eBay and picked up a few models for some future project. When details of Stargrave hit, I knew exactly who I wanted to use (and snagged a few more models). 

A nice inspiration I thought.  

I knew pretty early I was going to paint him in a red/black color scheme. Originally I thought black with red armor, but thought red clothing would be more striking. When a friend pointed out they would look like the elite Crimson Guard of Cobra in the G.I. Joe universe, I decided to go all in. I'm glad I did, as I really like the look. 

The paint job was a quick hit of contrast paints over the grey test primer. Then I started highlighting up from there. It's important to do these Stargrave encounters quickly to get them prepared for the table as there are a bunch more pirates, and many beasts to come. 

Now that I have figured out the primer problem, it's back to Orktober for me. Tune in next time for more green action!


  1. Is that Contrast? Oh, wow, it looks awesome. The Crimson Guard reference gives extra points too! Really love it, nicely done!

    1. Thanks Suber! The base colors of the model are all contrast. I added some extra highlights on top.

  2. Huzzah!

    Lovely work on the Vor Union trooper and thanks for the mention too!

    1. Thank you for the introduction to this guy! I’m excited for his mates to make it to the table sometime in the future.
