Sunday, March 14, 2021

Recon Team Delta

Among the Guardian Angel Space Marine Chapter there are several scout forces. The one known as "Recon Team Delta" was known for several key engagements in the past, but has been quiet for some time. Comprised of the 8th and 9th squads of the chapter's 4th company, the team was known for its marksmanship and working behind enemy lines. Now rumor has it, they are back to prove they still have what it takes. 

The existing Recon Team Delta

No painting again this week... but that's not to say there wasn't progress. We finally had a warm few days on the east coast, so I was able to varnish the Genestealer Cult. I also decided while I could to finish modeling a few marines I wanted to prime. So good progress, just nothing new to show off. Instead, here's the squad that'll have some reinforcements soon. 

I haven't played with the marines in over two decades; but with Killteam becoming our game of choice I decided to build a squad. I chose to base the squad around the scouts seeing as they were always some of my favorite models. I am after all more of a story gamer over a competitive one. There are several more models I'm painting to beef up my options, but for now here's some of who I'll be fielding: 

A scout gunner demolitions specialist, and a scout sergeant as a scout specialist.

Here's the first two specialists. I chose a sergeant to lead my mobile wing with the scout specialism. This should help him secure objectives and tie up combat enemies. The sniper is part of my support wing, and should be very helpful in taking out the enemies. 

Three scouts with combat knifes and another sniper. 

These guys are the core troops of the squad. Three scouts with combat knives to support the sergeant, and another sniper to help the support wing. I plan to see how these guys work out on the field for me. There's plenty of marine brothers in the display case to back them up if need be. So we'll see how it goes. 

Their reinforcements are all base coated, and just need some highlights and squad symbols to finish them up. Hopefully my freehand skills are still good enough to make their new teammates match up!


  1. Nice work on the scouts!

    I'll be interested to see how the force develops and how you get on with killteam as I've got the book but haven't managed to do much more than flick through it!

    1. Thanks, and killteam is fun! My buddy and I played a bunch of games a while back. We were almost ready to pull together a campaign when the world halted. We planned to play this weekend, but some things came up. Hopefully next weekend we can get a game in now that we’re all vaccinated. Ive only played with my genestealer cult thus far, and haven’t played with my scouts since the mid-2000’s. We’ll see how they make out!
