Saturday, March 6, 2021

Patience of a Space Elf

 We took a few days to meet up with some family this weekend... so no progress to show off this week. So instead let me show you a model I'm patiently waiting to find the right deal on:

Picture from

As I mentioned before, Eldar was my first army back in 2nd edition days of 40k. When I got back into hobbying, I thought of the Eldar; but they really haven't progressed much in the 20+ years I've been out. Lucky for me, I've always had a soft spot for them, so I have quite a few in my collection waiting for a project. 


Now, I always loved the look of the old Space Elf models. It was accentuated by reading some of Axiom's Eldar scout forces. (Thanks to that scout walker I've picked up way too many dread/walker parts to build one of my own.) So when I saw them for a decent price I'd snag them up. So I decided to start pulling together a pirate force for Killteam. There's still some models I'd like to grab for my collection, namely the musicians, but they'll come in time. I've found if you want a decent deal on them, you can't force it. Just wait for the right deal, because eventually you'll find one. 

That's where the picture above comes in. When I was looking for a suitable pirate captain, I ran across this guy with a spear. His stance is that of a suitable leader, he has the cloak I was looking for, and most importantly his armor will match up well once I convert him to look more space elf-y. The problem is, I don't have one... yet. 

It's not really a problem though. The project is in the works, and not waiting on him. I saw him a few times on eBay, but never any deals to my liking. With the pandemic scooping anything up at a convention isn't an option. So I'll keep my eye open, and one day I'll find that right deal. Maybe by then the pirate force will make it to the painting table as well!


  1. Good luck with the Elf search! I look forward to see how you get on with the Eldar too!

    1. Thanks! They got moved down the list of projects a bit, but if I can keep some forward momentum going I can get them back to the painting table.
