Friday, October 29, 2021

Orktober 2021 - It's all Fungus

Today's update is three more members of my Space Ork crew, who also happen to reflect three different races of ork!

First up was Skabslag, another Mekboy for the crew. I figure since they are mercenaries they need both Mekboyz to keep the ship running. I gave him a gorkamorka pistol arm, and green-stuffed a shirt sleeve onto it (forgot to take pictures). Painting wise he received an orange jumpsuit, and I left the skin brown because it looked really good at the end of the undercoat stage. 

Second is a gretchin named Skiz. He was a fantasy goblin that came in an ebay lot of models. He looked like such a sneaky git that I had to include him. I used some greenstuff to fill in the chainmail and make it a vest. Then I added a couple of pouches on the back so he'd have a gun. Painting wise he was done similar to the rest of the crew. 

Finally we have the squig Zod! He's actually the last model I decided on for the crew. Originally I wanted a human companion to act as the face of the crew and get them jobs. After weeks being unable to settle on a good model for this, I was going to just add another gretchin. However while digging through the bits and models, I found this guy and just had to paint him up. He's all contrast and some quick highlighting (I finally got some white primer by the way!). I was going to add some additional colors... but then I thought why not keep him simple?

That brings the crew to 8. Now all we need is one last mate, and of course the captain.

Wot you after Zod? 

BONUS: Remember how I said Runt was my first greenskin? I lied. 

He's a naughty boy (who lost some paint...)

Ok I didn't lie, I just forgot I painted this guy as an objective marker decades ago. I found him recently and thought I'd include him here. So now you get all 4 races of Ork in one post!


  1. Lovely warband you've got coming together and I love the blue Squig! It sounds like a tavern...

    1. Thanks! Could be a fun tavern... or could be a lot of trouble!
